Unexplained wedge
This aluminum wedge was found in Romania in 1974, on the banks of the river Mures, near Ayud. They found him at a depth of 11 meters, near the bones Mastodon - a giant, like the elephant, the extinct animal. Find myself very much like the head of a huge hammer. The Archaeological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, allegedly went artifact was determined that the material from which made this wedge - an aluminum alloy coated with a thick layer of oxide. Alloy contained the 12 different elements, and finding attributed to the category of strange, because aluminum was not discovered until 1808, and the age of the artifact, given its location in the bed along with the remains of extinct animals, determined, approximately, 11 thousand years.
"Plate Loladoffa"
"Plate Loladoffa" - a 12,000 - year stone dish found in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place that is visited by aliens in ancient times. This clearly shows a UFO in the shape of a disk. There is also a picture on the disc. Character remarkably similar to the aliens, known as the Grey, «gray".

Hammer of the purest iron alloy
Puzzling enigma to science is ... ordinary-looking hammer. The metal part of the hammer has a length of 15 cm and a diameter of about 3 inches. He literally sinking into the limestone age of 140 million years, and is stored together with a piece of rock. This miracle caught the eye of Mrs. Emma Hahn in June 1934 in the rocks near the American town London, in the state of Texas. Experts who examined the find, rendered a unanimous conclusion: hoax. However, further studies with a variety of academic institutions, including the famous Battelevskoy Laboratory (USA), have shown that things are much more complicated. First, the wooden handle, which planted the hammer outside already petrified, and inside and does become coal. So, too, her age millions of years. Second, experts Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) astonished the chemical composition of the ground: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities could not be detected. So pure iron did not get in the history of the earth metals. In the metal found no bubble quality iron, even by modern standards, extremely high and causes a lot of questions, as the content is not found metals used in the steel industry in the production of different grades of steel (such as manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum). Also there are no impurities, and the percentage of chlorine unusually large. Astonishing that the iron found no traces of carbon, while the iron ore from the Earth's field always contains carbon and other impurities. Generally speaking, from the modern point of view, it is not of high quality. But here's what detail: iron "Texas Hammer" does not rust! When in 1934 a piece of rock chipped rocks with ingrown tool, metal in one place is very scratched. And over the past six-plus years on the scratch does not appear any signs of corrosion ... Estimated Dr. K.E.Bafa, director of the Museum of Antiquities minerals, which holds this hammer, the find is from the early Cretaceous period - from 140 to 65 million years ago. On the current state of scientific knowledge, mankind learned to make such tools only 10,000 years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Tsilmer from Germany, for the mysterious discovery in detail, concludes: "This hammer is made by an unknown technology."

Fossil nail
However, most often in the rock are objects, their appearance similar to nails and screws. In the XVI century, the viceroy of Peru kept in his office a piece of rock, which was strong in 18-inch steel nail found in the local mines. In 1869, in Nevada, in a piece of feldspar raised from great depths, found metal screw length of 5 centimeters. Skeptics believe that the emergence of these and many other items can be explained by natural causes: a special kind of crystallization of mineral solutions and melts, pyrite formation of rods in the voids between crystals. But pyrite - is iron sulfide, and at the turn yellow it (so it is often confused with the gold), and has a clear cubic structure. Eyewitnesses findings clearly indicate iron nails, sometimes covered with rust, and pyrite formation rather be called gold, instead of iron. Also, there is speculation that rodlike NIO - is fossilized skeletons belemnite (invertebrate marine animals that lived at the same time of the dinosaurs). But the remains of belemnites are found only in sedimentary rocks, and never in the root, such as feldspar. They also have a strong skeletal form, and confusing them with something else impossible. It is sometimes argued that gvozdeobraznye NIO are the melt fragments of meteorites or fulgurity (thunderbolts), obtained by a lightning strike in the rocks. But finding a splinter or trail left millions of years ago, is extremely problematic. If the origin of gvozdeobraznyh NIO still possible to argue, that on some findings can only shrug.
The highest technology of stone
The second group of findings that put the puzzle to scientists, are artifacts created after the today's time of the appearance of man on earth. But the technologies that were used in their creation, we have become known recently or are unknown so far. The most famous find of this group are crystal skull found in 1927 during excavations in Belize City Maya Lubaantuma. Skull carved from a piece of pure quartz and measures 12h18h12 centimeters.In 1970, the skull was analyzed in the laboratory by "Hewlett-Packard". The results were stunning. The skull was created without following the natural axis of the crystal, which is impossible in modern crystallography. When working on the skull does not use metal tools. According to the restorers, first quartz Hacked diamond chisel, and then for a more thorough treatment of the crystalline silicon used sand. To work on the skull spent about three hundred years, which may be perceived as an incredible example of patience and recognize the use of unknown high technology. One of the experts, "Hewlett-Packard" said the establishment of the Crystal Skull is not a question of skill, patience and time, but it's just not possible.
Old battery
In 1936, German scientist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked at the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad, brought a strange object that was found during the excavations of the ancient Parthian settlements near the Iraqi capital. It was a small clay bowl height of about 15 centimeters. Inside it was a cylinder of sheet copper, its base covered with a seal cap, top hat covered the resin, which also held the iron rod aimed at the center of the cylinder. From all this, Dr. Koenig concluded that before it was an electric battery, created almost two thousand years before the discoveries of Galvani and Volta.Egyptologist Arne Eggebreht manufactured replica of the finds in a vase filled wine vinegar and connected the measuring device shows the voltage of 0.5 V. Presumably ancients used electricity for use on items thin layer of gold.
The largest stone carved man
The largest of all the stones carved by man is a stone Lebanon. It weighs 2000 tons. It was intended to Baalbek, which is a 2 hour drive from Beirut.Baalbek terrace built of stone blocks, which are about 20 meters long, 4.5 meters high and 4 meters long. These stone blocks reach up to 2000 tons.Terrace is much older than the temple of Jupiter, located on it. Wondering how to carve, and then transported and built of the stones the ancient people? And to date there are no technical means for movement of the goods.

Figures astronauts from Ecuador
Figures ancient astronauts found in Ecuador. Age> 2000 years. In fact, so full of such evidence, if you like, read Erich Von Denikin. He has many books, one of the most famous - "Chariots of the Gods", there are both physical evidence and deciphering cuneiform and other stuff in general is quite interesting. True believer vehemently read contraindicated.
Antikythera mechanism (other spellings: antikitirsky, andikitersky, Antikythera, Gr. Μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων) - a mechanical device found in 1902 on the ancient sunken ship near the Greek island of Antikythera (Greek Αντικύθηρα). Dates from about 100 BC. e. (Possibly up to 150 years BC. E.). [1] Kept in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. Mechanism contained 37 bronze gears in a wooden case, which were placed dials and arrows, reconstruction, was used to calculate the motion of heavenly bodies. Other devices of this complexity is not known in the Hellenistic culture. It uses a differential gear, which, as previously thought, invented until the XVI century, and the level of miniaturization and complexity comparable to the mechanical clock XVIII century. Approximate dimensions mechanism assembly 33 × 18 × 10 cm


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