
A recent poll reported that the average British man drinks 11 616 pints of beer in his lifetime
1. Sediment found in a pottery jar excavated in the Zagros mountains of northern Iran indicate that man was drinking a retsina-like wine in 5000BC.
2. There is also some evidence suggesting beer-drinking in Mesopotamia around 8000BC.
3. Workers on the pyramids around 4,500 years ago had three drink breaks each day, with five types of beer and four varieties of wine available.
4. The word SSLqalcohol' in the early 17th century meant a fine metallic powder used as eye make-up. 5. It then came to mean any fine powder produced by grinding or distillation, then finally took on the meaning of a distilled liquid.
6. Peter the Great of Russia had the lover of one of his mistresses beheaded and his head preserved in alcohol and kept by his bedside.
7. A recent poll reported that the average British man drinks 11,616 pints of beer in his lifetime…
8. …as well as 1,089 pints of cider, 5,082 glasses of wine and 4,356 single measures of spirits.
9. Recent research has shown that drinking alcohol shrinks the brains of mice.
10. “[Drink] provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance” (a porter in Macbeth).Ten things you never knew about... alcohol


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